“Heck! Where is that going to go?!”.. Hording items you claim to love and use oh so often, when really, they’re gathering dust on your over crowded mantel piece? Or perhaps little Tommy’s grandparents bought him every child’s toy under the sun for his birthday, and his bedroom has now become a Lego mine field! At FTA we know how difficult it can be to keep your house beautifully spacious.
As the Christmas period is approaching we dread to imagine your youngest bringing you the Argos catalog, demanding Father Christmas brings them this, this, this.. and don’t forget this! “The mess, the mess!” the voices scream in your head. Instead of panic, why not kill two birds with one stone and store things where you sleep.
This achieved with ease with our Solid Pine Cabin Bed. Including storage and a pull out desk, perfect for your child’s favorite activity.. homework!
“But my children have finally got past what I thought was the nightmare stage, now they’ve hit the terrible teens!”. We hear you. Shoe boxes stacked to the roof for the girls, and you’re trying to figure out why the boys need the new Call Of Duty, FIFA and 7 other “must have games” every year. Isn’t kicking a ball into a goal the same regardless of what year it is? How can there be change?
Our 2 Draw Storage Bed offers a place to store this bottomless collection of up to date video games and in fashion items. The 2 Draw Storage Bed has two large storage draws with a depth of 20cm, ideal for your teens new dumping ground!
Alright, so that’s the kids sorted. Now where is your rare collection of Olympic fifty pence pieces going to go? Or those £5 notes that apparently sell for a fortune on eBay?.. Maybe not. A place to store you and your partners clothing, or maybe fresh bedding sounds more fitting.
Our Hannover Fabric Ottoman Storage Bed offers enough storage space and more. Operated via a gas lift mechanism, this bed is enough to make your husband feel like the new James Bond!